撒点亮色-沃森2018年5月- 1

可食用的亮片可以提供颜色和味道,同时简化成分说明并降低成本。星巴克的独角兽星冰乐于2017年4月推出,令食品和饮料行业大吃一惊。一段时间以来,配方师们一直专注于用天然色素取代人工色素,以至于他们忘记了颜色的真正力量,正如这家咖啡馆巨头向我们展示的这款限量版变色、变色的混合冷冻饮料。这种对颜色和食物的迷恋并不新鲜。毕竟,我们是先用眼睛吃东西的,这就是为什么产品开发人员长期以来一直使用彩色的,通常是美味的,零碎的东西来为日常食品增添活力,从烘焙食品到糖果再到零食。餐饮服务经营者也会利用这些装饰,比如装饰软冰淇淋蛋筒或装饰一盘手指食物。以防你错过了这种狂热,这种饮料依赖于“魔法粉末”,一开始是紫色的,搅拌后会变成粉红色。与此同时,最初的甜味和果香转变为令人愉快的酸味。色彩使人兴奋。它还提供了味道的线索。 It's an easy way to differentiate in an often times crowded marketplace. Consumers were mesmerized. They began experimenting and posting their own colorful creations on social media, with many sprinkling on glitter for extra sparkle. The glitter rage became so powerful so fast, that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration spoke up in early 2018, cautioning consumers to only use glitter specifically marked as edible. Edible Glitter™ from Watson Inc., West Haven, Conn., can help food formulators, bakers and culinary professionals be creative. Edible Glitter flakes are toppings, inclusions and color-change systems. They come in a wide variety of colors and can be flavored and shaped. Watson's Edible Glitter product line is fully edible and classified as a food product. There's an Edible Glitter for every food application. There are bake-stable, fry-stable and freeze/thaw-stable options, as well as soluble and insoluble forms for additional creativity. Learn more about what Edible Glitter is, what it is made of and how Watson makes it. 1-800-388-3481 edibleglitter.com


撒点亮色-沃森2018年5月- 1
洒点亮色-沃森2018年5月- 2
洒点亮色-沃森2018年5月- 3
洒点亮色——沃森2018年5月- 4日
洒点亮色-沃森2018年5月- 5
洒点亮色——沃森2018年5月- 6日