www.prost-pfalz.com/articles/55511 -克罗格看到- 10 - 2022 -趋势推进


辛辛那提-克罗格公司已经确定了将在2022年加速并扎根的10种食品趋势。这些趋势可以分为三类:口味、高端化和大流行带来的行为转变。这家零售商认为,在未来一年里,有四种口味会越来越受欢迎,包括鲜味、所有调味料、龙舌兰酒和带来舒适感的怀旧口味。克罗格表示:“亚洲烹饪一直以来都明白鲜味高的食材如何提升其他食材的味道,并使一道菜的味道更加丰满,但鲜味的趋势正在新产品、多元文化菜肴、传统烹饪和混合混合中迅速发展。”龙舌兰酒的咸味跟随鲜味的趋势,引领了专注于高端化的趋势的第二部分。到2022年,消费者将通过购买提供植物性饮食、本地产品和提供餐厅品质体验的产品来升级他们的饮食。克罗格说:“消费者继续关注地球的健康,不仅仅是通过植物性食品,还通过使用升级的配料和更可回收的包装来减少对废物的影响。”“现在人们购买植物性食品是为了放纵、舒适和怀旧,而不仅仅是为了我们的身体健康,同时还能帮助消费者降低碳足迹。”对可持续发展的兴趣促使一些消费者考虑他们的食物来自哪里。这种兴趣导致对当地种植和加工的食品和食材的需求不断上升。 Kroger also sees consumers embracing more premium products as they seek to raise the level of their dining experiences at home. This is leading to interest in grass-fed beef burgers and hot dogs, goat cheese and bacon pinsa crust style pizza, and kimchi meatballs. Behavioral shifts Kroger sees in 2022 will be around health and beauty, sharing and a greater role for charcuterie in meal occasions. Demand for products that contribute to health and beauty will continue in the coming year as consumers seek collagen-rich bone broths, antioxidant, probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids. Sharing at meals has been a trend for some time, but Kroger sees family-packs focused on specific dietary needs like low carbohydrate, plant-based or vegan gaining ground in 2022. Along the same lines, Kroger’s trend researchers predict charcuterie will move from a sharable appetizer to playing a more prominent role at breakfast and dessert. “Unlocking these trends allows us to prepare for the year ahead, adapt our offerings, and innovate within our brands to ensure we continue to provide customers exactly what they need and want to delight themselves and their guests in 2022 and beyond,” said Juan De Paoli, vice president of Kroger’s Our Brands private label business.