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自2020年重返北美磨坊主协会以来,该协会主席简·德马基(Jane DeMarchi)已经忙得不可开交。在她任职期间,集团实施了一系列初步改革,从实施财务纪律以帮助恢复集团的资产负债表和更新员工结构,到采用全新的组织标识,以及提高集团春季和年度会议上演讲的质量。在今年的年会上,NAMA采取措施启动了一代人以来的第一个全面战略规划进程。德马奇说,在她被任命为总裁后不久,她就开始关注更新集团的战略计划。今年早些时候,一位执行委员会的新成员找到她,仔细地问她,NAMA最打算追求的一两个最高战略优先事项是什么,她突然决定敦促董事会现在就向前推进。她承认自己还没有一个现成的答案,而小组需要一个。NAMA成立于1998年,合并了许多现有的加工组织,该集团在堪萨斯城举行了一次战略规划会议,并起草了一份使命声明和一系列战略目标。近25年前通过的各项目标基本上经受住了时间的考验。自由贸易、优质谷物、代表NAMA成员的有效宣传、消耗资源以促进消费和加强沟通,这些似乎都是符合当今制粉行业利益的目标。尽管如此,在NAMA应该最积极地追求哪一两个最高战略目标的问题上,2022年的清单可能会与该组织创始人制定的清单不同。 An effort by the NAMA board in 2016 to update the strategic plan showed foresight with a decision to add a supply chain committee to the organization’s standing committees. Still, the resulting plan was not the “working document” Ms. DeMarchi and incoming NAMA chairman Brian Doyle believe will be necessary. Toward that end, the group made the decision to improve the planning process both by engaging a professional facilitator — Roots and Legacies of Manhattan, Kan. — and committing to seeking input from a broad group of flour-based foods stakeholders, beyond members of the NAMA board and the strategic planning task force. A transition to new leadership — Brian Doyle of King Milling as chairman of NAMA and Tedd Kruse of ADM Milling and Baking Solutions as vice chairman — added to the sense of positive change. So did an announcement that Jessica Exley of Cargill, Emily Likens of Knappen Milling and Meredith Nelson of General Mills will serve on the NAMA board, marking the first time three women will have board seats. Ms. DeMarchi called the milestone important, while acknowledging the group has more to accomplish in terms of diversity. Against such a solid backdrop of renewal at the NAMA annual meeting, the traditions of NAMA seemed to have only grown richer and more deeply appreciated by its membership. It’s a sense graciously articulated at the event by former chairman Mark Kolkhorst in accepting an honorary NAMA membership. How wonderful that the chairman’s gavel at the NAMA annual meeting was passed from a fifth-generation family member leading a 136-year-old milling company (Ford Mennel) to a fourth-generation family member leading a 132-year-old milling business (Brian Doyle). A touching augur of renewal was the presence at the NAMA annual meeting of Frederick Mennel, the new son of Ford and Kate Mennel. It was the first time in memory, perhaps ever, that a NAMA (or Millers National Federation) chairman was accompanied by a newborn child. The young Mr. Mennel is the sixth generation of the Mennel family to attend a NAMA/MNF annual meeting. The changes the strategic planning process will bring to NAMA and the milling industry remain to be seen and will require millers and others to avail themselves of the opportunity to thoughtfully participate. The serious, robust process being undertaken certainly offers the industry a promising avenue forward not to be missed.